Many people, especially believers, tend to feel overwhelmed by the possibility of future disasters, especially potential chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear warfare against Israel. We might feel hopeless, not realizing that all we need to do is take small, manageable, practical steps to prepare for such eventualities. It is the responsibility of all of us to take action now and do everything within our might to help Israel survive in case of an unconventional attack and other existential threats.
Our responsibility to take action can be illustrated by the story of four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
Should you consider donating towards the cost of essential medical supplies and protective equipment:
Israel and the worldwide Jewish community is facing a time of escalating threats. Firstly, Israel and Jewish communities around the world are facing economic challenges and the threat of economic crisis due to the escalating prices of food, petrol and other commodities. Second, Israel is facing unprecedented security challenges due to the potential threat of unconventional warfare (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons) by Israel's enemies. Thirdly, Jewish communities in Ukraine, Russia, and the former Soviet republics are facing unprecedented challenges due to the direct and indirect consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
These threats and challenges have resulted in an ever-increasing awareness that there is an urgent need for effective preparedness to counter a wide range of threats and potential crises Israel and the Jewish people worldwide might face. As a result, Hands of Mercy has launched the "Israel Crisis Preparedness Project".
Drawing on Hands of Mercy's experience in responding to humanitarian crises caused by war, terrorism and rocket attacks, and mobilizing our worldwide support base, we are hoping to make a difference in Israel's preparedness to respond to a variety of existential threats to Israel and the Jewish nation.
We are looking to establish a register of potential volunteers with a wide range of expertise from agriculture and sustainable food production, to logistics and administration, to medical team members and first responders both from Israel and abroad. Our volunteers will be matched with opportunities to participate in both current crisis response and future crisis preparedness. Please contact us to subscribe to our list of potential volunteers and to learn more about the ways you can help make a difference in these perilous times.
Should you consider contributing to Israel's preparedness and survival though your expertise, we would like to hear from you: