"Hanukkah-Cookie Blessings"

Between rocket attacks from nearby Gaza, many brave young friends gather at our local synagogue soup-kitchen to make delicious ''Hanukkah-Blessing Cookies' for our traumatized Sde'rot community!
How exciting to celebrate this historic holiday of ''Light and Miracles'' by making hundreds of these delicious Hanukkah cookies for: Poor Families, Sad-Seniors, Lonely-Soldiers and Hospitalized-Children!
What a joy to bless them with cheerful smiles, music and sweet hand-made goodies during this special Hanukkah time, as we celebrate these special holidays together!
So, Thanks for the special part each of you play in this holy task...as we celebrate the joy and 'Light of The World' with Israel!
With Many Holiday Blessings...
Your Israeli Mercy Team